New Treatments To Get Relief from TMJ Fast, even if the night guard isn't working!

100% FREE, No-Obligation Consultation

Over 10 Years of Migraine Relief Experience Specifically

No longer need pain medications or to sleep it off

TMJ Pain

Do you suffer from painful popping, clicking or locking of your jaw? Chances are you suffer from TMJ Disorder.

TMJ pain can be caused by frequent clenching of the jaw, grinding the teeth, frequently chewing gum or other very chewy foods.  The TMJ is very close to the ear which is usually where the pain is located, but can radiate lower into the jaw region and is sometimes accompanied by neck pain, headaches or even ringing in the ears.

Using a combination of treatments including dry needling, adjustment and shockwave, we can alleviate the pain at the source. Dry needling will cause the muscle to release within 2-3 minutes and can assist in improving your jaw's range of motion and restoring your jaw function. 

It is even more effective than massage!

Provo's Premier Pain Relief Specialist

It's time to experience the FAST RELIEF that revolutionary medical technology can provide and get back to living your life SOONER!

Having issues with:

  • Daily headaches
  • Sharp Neck Pain
  • ​Tension headaches
  • ​Jaw pain or TMJ


Stronglife's revolutionary treatments are changing how fast you can get relief from chronic TMJ pain.

Stronglife's treatments are non-invasive, and helps restore the quality of life faster. No more popping ibuprofen like it was candy!

Personalized Care Plans

We provide a FREE consultation to find out what's really going on. We work with each client personally to develop a care plan that will determine how to quickly and effectively treat your headache, neck, jaw and upper back pain from TMJ. So anyone can get relief no matter how long this has been an issue. So you can play with their kids and grandkids, and so you can feel good everyday!

- Schedule A FREE Consultation

- We're here to provide fast, long-lasting pain relief from headaches!

By using only the most successful therapy to treat headache pain, we are able to provide the best solutions so you can get back on your feet sooner.

Our Patients Love How Stronglife Is 
"Speeding-Up" Pain Relief

About Our "Stronglife" Private Clinic

About Dr. AJ Ludlow, DPT

"My wife regularly has pain from clenching her jaw at night, no matter how much training and relaxation techniques she's tried! It is such a blessing to be able to help her get fast relief, and she'll fall asleep with the acupuncture needles in her face because it releases the muscles so quickly and thoroughly!"

I am happy to say my wife rarely has migraines anymore, and is feeling more energized and alive than ever before (even without caffeine)."

A California native, but has lived a total of 15+ years in Utah between receiving his undergraduate at Brigham Young University and his doctorate at the University of Utah, he now calls Utah his home!

He has traveled and researched extensively to find the most effective solutions for injury and pain. What someone would have once had to travel outside the US for, is now available right here in Provo, UT. 

Now Getting Fast Relief  From TMJ Is Easier Than Ever:

  • Schedule a free phone or office consultation by clicking below
  • Start your Stronglife treatment to see results as early as 1 visit
  • Enjoy walking, running, working or playing with the kids without pain or relying on pain medication